Letter to the Minister of Transportation Regarding Accidents on HWY 402 at the Christina St. Interchange

MPP Bailey has written to the Minister of Transportation asking that he visit Sarnia-Lambton in order to better understand what is happening on HWY 402 at the Christina St. Interchange that is leading to so many accidents.  The Bluewater Bridge is the second busiest commercial vehicle crossing in Canada.   Read the letters that MPP Bailey has sent to the Minister of Transportation below.


[embeddoc url=”http://bobbaileympp.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/17-07-26-Letter-to-Minister-of-Transportation-Hwy-402-Accidents.pdf”]


[embeddoc url=”http://bobbaileympp.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/17-07-26-Background-letters-MTO-HWY-402-Accidents.pdf”]