Nova Chemicals Announces $300M Investment in Sarnia-Lambton

SARNIA – On Tuesday, Nova Chemicals announced it would be investing more than $300 million to expand and retrofit facilities at its Corunna and Moore sites beginning in 2014.  “This is great news for the community of Sarnia-Lambton. I am extremely pleased that the leadership of Nova Chemicals recognized the value of the work being done here in Sarnia-Lambton” said MPP Bob Bailey.

“The professional knowledge base and quality of skilled trades in our community is second to none. In such a competitive business environment the difference maker for a successful business is the quality of people that are available to do the work – Sarnia has those people.  Sarnia-Lambton has been a leader in the petrochemical industry for decades, so I have no doubt in my mind that these projects will be a success and exceed the expectations of Nova Chemicals,” added MPP Bailey

The development of the facilities at the Corunna and Moore sites; includes, expanding the Corunna cracker ethylene manufacturing capacity by 20%; pursuing a debottleneck at the Moore low-density polyethylene (PE) line; and pursuing a retrofit of the Moore high-density PE line, is part of the NOVA Chemicals Corporation 2020 growth strategy.


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