Province Consulting with Seniors and Caregivers on Aging Strong in Ontario

Feedback to support a new government-wide Seniors Strategy in Sarnia-Lambton
News June 11, 2019
Sarnia-Lambton — Seniors want to remain active in age-friendly communities that are open to their full participation. Most want to live independently, at home for as long as they can, working, volunteering, learning, shopping or travelling. Yet many seniors face challenges accessing programs and services that support their safety, mental and physical health, and overall well-being. Ontario’s government is working for the people by holding consultations to hear from seniors, caregivers and organizations on how the province can best support its aging population.
“Supporting our seniors in Sarnia-Lambton is about investing in our own futures – everyone should be able to age strong, in an Ontario that is open to all,” said Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility. “We are moving forward with our commitment to develop a cross-government strategy to do what’s right by Ontario’s aging population, while growing jobs and the economy.”
Seniors are the fastest growing demographic in our province. Current estimates predict that the seniors population will grow to over 3 million by 2023 – that is about 400,000 more seniors than today. This fundamental change in Ontario’s demographics means new challenges and new opportunities for the province.
“Our government is committed to doing what’s right for our aging population in Sarnia-Lambton,” said MPP Bailey, Member of Provincial Parliament for Sarnia-Lambton. “We want to hear from seniors, the people who care for them, and the organizations who support them.”
Starting in June, during Seniors Month, the government will begin to hold targeted consultations at Seniors Active Living Centres across Ontario. Locally, consultations are taking place at the Strangway Community Centre in Sarnia and the Cruickshank Centre in Corunna. The consultations will run for six weeks.
To ensure that Ontarians across the province have an opportunity to participate, an online survey has also been launched. Feedback from the consultations and online survey will help form a strategy to help seniors:
- Age at home and in communities;
- Remain healthy, active and socially engaged;
- Stay safe and secure, and
- Participate in the labour market and economy.
The government expects to announce the government-wide seniors strategy in the fall.
- Have your say and take part in the online survey: ca/SeniorsStrategy
- Social isolation is a key risk factor for elder abuse and hospitalization among seniors, with 30% of Canadian seniors at risk of becoming socially isolated. Being active helps to reduce risk of dementia, anxiety and depression.
- There are more than 300 Seniors Active Living Centres across Ontario. These community-based centres provide programs and services to promote wellness, social interaction, and education to help seniors stay active, independent and engaged.
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Seniors Active Living Centres
Age-Friendly Communities
Bob Bailey, MPP